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South Bris

Client Group

Mixed-gender clients, early adulthood

Service Type

Outreach supported living

Our South Bristol Division has been developed to provide Outreach versions of all our divisions. They offer one to one personal development to service users who are living in their own tenancies and living an interactive life in the community. 

South Bris Division is an outcomes-based service which aims to help service users maintain their tenancies, get more involved in the community, and gain the skills needed to become independent. Some of our service users have been in secure setting for 20 plus years, so guiding them through general life skills like budgeting, finding a job, and meal planning are all positive outcomes that we aim towards.


South Bristol aims to draw a line under your past and work on your future, we want to move forward in your life with you.

South Bris consists of one shared ladies hours, three Complex flats, and a couple independent houses which are either Bristol city housing, or service users with their own tenancies. The ultimate goal is moving service users from Maples properties into their own tenancies.

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